About the Songs Characters

Bitterwind's World

Most villains compete to be the worst and different factions are often in a war with each other.

About The City, Villains and Groups:

Mainly it’s just called The City. It has some taller buildings, like a block in New York, for example.

Over the City lurks a hill with Thermal Labs, home to the mad scientist Richard Thermal.

There are mostly women, since I found it easier to tell a story from a woman’s perpective. A few characters are undecided whether they are good or bad. If nothing is said (by personal name, or using ’him’) assume that the character is a woman, working as a Villain.

The names are in alphabetical order, except Ace, Bitterwind and Mayhem, which are three central characters – hence coming first.


Real name: Mia Winter  Fire and ice powers combined.

”Would you like to be fried or frozen?”

Background: Ace can alter temperatures to a factor of eight. She is well aware of her powers, meaning she holds back a little. (Which means you only get destroyed once instead of twice!) Ace is one of five Magnifiers, where all of them can change certain energies. In Condria she let her powers loose combined with two more of the most powerful villains; Bitterwind and Mayhem.


Real name: Carol Frost  Central character, gave name to the band.

”Stand in my way and you’ll be blown.”

Background: What if Storm (X-men, Marvel) fought on the villain’s side instead?
That idea became the character Bitterwind. 

Carol Frost is the unlikely child from female Superhero Windy Wendy and Supervillain Richard Thermal. She can summon storms, cold winds and lightning. Her own father injected Ironium in her – otherwise she hadn’t survived. Loyal and rough she defeats any would-be-hero coming. Later she warned both villains and heroes for the double-agent Violet, but none listened. After the destruction of Thermal Labs she tracked Violet to eastern Europe and got her revenge. Whenever she travels, the surrounding weather is rather unstable.


Real name: Miriam Rost  Generator.

”If you won’t accept me, villains will hear… Mayhem’s song.”

Background: Inspiration to this character came from Charlie McGee in Stephen King’s book ’Firestarter’. 

Mayhem is another of the five Magnifiers. She can enhance electrons and chain reactions. Give her a little energy and it just grows. If most villains can be classed as ”Victory Class”, Mayhem is in the ”Really, Really Scary Class”.

For a while she was actually in X-Factor Academy (a hero training center). When they saw her (almost) infinite powers they got scared and asked her to stop. She got furious and decided to join Villains instead.


Real name: Vendetta Williams  Victim from an imploding reactor, vengeful, never stops.

Background: She volunteered to one of Thermal Labs’ programs to get rid of anxiety and panic attacks, but the experiment backfired (common at Thermal Labs). When she woke up she heard something very unpleasant. They said she was dead and would erase all her records as if she never existed. This drove her into a fury and she rose – seemingly from beyond her death.

A black hole sucked in the nearest things. And the power seemed to come directly from her.

Her fear transferred to the nine soldiers and she killed the entire military base. Well, one guy survived, (sergeant Gray) but six years later she found him, to press him on info about his superiors (so she could go kill them too!)

Blind Ninja

Real name: Rose Turner  Blind, agile, super senses, extendable blind stick.

”You got a gun, you’re such a disgrace!”

Inspiration: Daredevil and Elle Driver (Kill Bill) fighting in the dark. 

Background: Rose is blind, having extra-sensory powers of movement and heat. She applies for work at a villain group. They just laugh and say that none will hire a blind ninja, with ancient tricks. Well, she smashes the lights, meaning all of them are now in darkness. Then she beats up his rough men and leaves with a sarcastic remark.


Real name: Helen Fury  Psychiatrist going mad, discovers she has electrical powers.

”I turned into my patients, deadly and mad!”

Background: Helen Fury worked with the worst criminals to understand why you would kill a man. When a loner refuses to undergo therapy she kills him with an electrical blast. She has just committed a perfect crime, with no traces, not even his shoes are left. But that’s the problem. Filled with regrets she has no way to prove it. And what would her respectable colleagues think? Helen Fury has a lot to think about for the next minutes…!

Broken Link

Real name: Sandra Chief  Saboteur, decoy, first encounter villain.

Background: She gets really pissed if you call her ”scout”.  Disturbs radios, buys her employers time – for example by blowing things up.  Still she is considered the ”good” villain, meaning she will never kill. But she’ll do anything to put your attention in her direction, at the right moment. Ignore her… and worse things will happen.

She also was caught in the exploding generator blast, together with Side Effects. When she recovered, she entered secret military radios and threatened them to tell who was a snitch on her. Or else… she was sure that Red Pepper would allow her to go all-in with her deadly toys. 

Chain Reaction

Real name: Tina Nordberg  Surviving victim from an imploding reactor, vengeful.

”60 seconds… then I have time to reverse the course!”

Background: Tina Nordberg has changed her job to a quiet night job at Thermal Labs. One day a warning signal goes off, telling all staff to evacuate within 60 seconds. But it was no 60 seconds. More like 40. The imploding reactor hit her in the back. Somehow she survived and swore vengeance on anyone working there.

Dark Metal

Real name: Sissy Charger  Vengeful absorber, with a metal skin,  later sinister prankster.

(Birth of Meltdown character)

Meltdown never tells what happened at the Ironium mines. This is the song about it:

Background: Her and Dean Anderson’s ways were crossed. Dean Anderson saw a chance to get rid of her and did so by pushing her into the boiling metal Ironium. But the metal enhances any powers and she could absorb.

The metal burnt into her skin into an impenetrable armor. Since she was considered dead, she realized that dead people can’t be trialed! In the night she pushed Dean Anderson into the metal and he died.

Dark Moon

(Song, not a character)

This song shows the assault on Thermal Labs from the heroes’ side. At the bar it sounded like a good idea, destroying Richard Thermal’s work. Here in the mist, it’s rather creepy when ten companions already have vanished. Now they are not sure if vampires exist, or if Bitterwind has back-up not spotted. 


Real name: Jenny Border  Mind manipulator, messes with senses till you can’t tell what’s real or not.

Background: Jenny Border can manipulate minds and senses, creating fears and echoes that are never there. She finds your worst emotions and turns the volume to 11!


Putting the old demons back to where they belong!

She was refused to enter the Circle of Seven – the seat for the most powerful of demons. They thought her childish, still using tricks the old demons knew in their teens. As if she would show all her powers to a demon! Well she has polished the tiny things that the others have overlooked, over time eternal. That will spell the older ones doom!


Real name: Anna Conda Summoner, personal guardian of a secret ”mistress”, cousin to Heavy Metal.

”You’re going down for Drain!”

Background: Drain and her cousin Heavy Metal are personal guards for a secret ”mistress”.  Drain is on the outside, controlling full battlefields with her mental powers. She can send doubts and fears, hurting demons, splitting teams in despair. Sometimes she lets you in, only to be facing her cousin’s traps and dead-ends.

OK, none of them will kill you, but you’ll be so exhausted and bruised, mentally and physically, that you would prefer to be killed instead.


Real name: Maria Bignotti (Italy)  Spreads an aura of bad luck, reaching 10 meters (33ft) around.

”You don’t have to be strongest, just convince them that you are.”

Background: The power of Envy radiates around her in an aura. It creates feelings of incompetence and splits groups. Nr.13 in the USA has somewhat similar powers, but Maria has no intention of going there. ”Then I will get bad luck and she’ll get jealous. Maybe I’ll visit Sweden. I’ve heard there are not many superheroes there…”

Freezing Beam

Real name: Desirée Winter  Sister to the infamous Ace, freezer, joker.

”You know what? You need to Chill!”

Background: Often confused with other freezers as Paralyze, Ace or Nightfrost. But it’s when you hear her sarcastic humor you know this is a new kind of threat. Her puns are so bad you’ll freeze of pure boredom.

”Yeah, I’m sister to Ace. But I’m the cooler one of us!”

Those kind of jokes. Yeah, I know she’s horrible and then I haven’t yet mentioned that she can chill you or your mind, whichever fits her best, or that she can disable force fields and any types of locks. 

Heavy Metal

Real name: Carla Trapper  Machine and metal freak, likes sharp and deadly toys, cousin to Drain.

Background: Heavy Metal is the other part of a deadly duo, guarding her ”mistress”.  Her mistress doesn’t want any heroes to come disturbingand Carla will stop you on the inside. Traps, dead-ends and with the ability to twist and shape metals, it will be like navigating an ever-changing maze, unless she gives you a blast of heavy metal in your ears…!

impact, Reflector

Real name: Sara Ford  Can return attacks with magnified force.

”How do you feel now little son, hurt by power of megaton!”

Background: At age 16 she was harshly interrogated about her powers. Her cousin Turbulence found out, but she was locked into a super prison at the time. During the interrogation she was sure her cousin would come.

Then the understanding dawned. She had her own powers! She didn’t have to wait to be attacked to use them! Well, she used her powers to get out without help.

Infinity Inc.

”Welcome to Infinity Inc. How can I hurt… I mean help you?”

Dubious organization containing both villains and heroes. They only have two rules:
1. After getting a mission, you work alone.
2. If anyone (including team members!) are hindering your mission, you are free to kill them!

(Why do you think they work alone?)

Main members are Rash, Red Army (T.N.T.) and Sticky.


Mystical dual-form metal that is rumored to enhance any power tenfold. It’s also said that it changes according to the victim in contact. The main storage is in Thermal Labs, USA. In Inertia a large load is transported through the town. It was supposed to be a secret, but both Heroes and Villains found out.

Lousy Killer

Background: Inspiration to this song came from failing missions in the Hitman series. 

Have you had a bad day at work? This lousy killer has one of the worst. A constant flow of unwanted witnesses means he has to get rid of them too. He never meant this bloody (!) mess or police chase. Maybe he just should have worked in another job instead?


Six super villains that all can enhance different types of energy. Turn doesn’t want to belong to a womens’ group, so mostly they count themselves as Five.

Ace magnifies temperatures (hot and cold) up to eight times. Deception takes your hard feelings and fears and turn the volume to 11. Impact can absorb huge amounts of energy and then reflect it back to the attacker. Mayhem accelerates electrons and chain reactions. Turbine is the City’s worst villain and a mistress of disguises.


Real name: Sissy Charger  Villains’ Prankster.

”Dah! I get a real meltdown from you!” – Any victim’s quote about Sissy.

Background: You thought Paralyze was bad, just teasing you when you were helpless. Then you stumbled into Freeze Beam’s puns and jokes. And then… a total Meltdown.  She can melt into any material, tricks a minion from the future to use her low tech crap, like a mobile phone weighing 40 lbs, getting a fax tone in your ear and the likes. Likes to outplay you, especially if you’re on her team, just to make you a wreck. 

For no reason at all, just because she can. And she will do it – several times a day! 

Meteor / Infrared

Inspiration to this character came via Stephen Kings ”Tommyknockers”. 

Real name: Hannah Chambers  Curious, got superpowers – twice! Gave her infamous Moonstone to Carol Blacksmith, later called Rash.

Background: July 1997: Hannah Chambers (12 yrs) woke from a green light, radiating from the woods. It came from a crashed meteor. Hannah picked up one glowing fragment and felt… charged! Like a new self. Ten years later she was on a night mission. A blinding light hurt her supersensitive eyes, offering her another life than a servant of shadows. So she touched this crystal too! The song ends in uncertainty as to what happened to her next!

Moonstone Madness

Ancient earth guardian losing her mind.

Background: Moonstone is 500 years old, but her physical attributes always places her at age 26. When Rash thinks she got a curse from Meteor’s moonstone she seeks out a witch to be cured.
The witch first tricks her to go see Moonstone, then tricks them both so they have to co-operate. Moonstone is secretly watching super powered people to get the best in her personal army. Meaning she will blame ”long term plans” just to get her way.

Mystic Dragon (Dio Tribute)

Why it’s unwise waking a sleeping dragon.

Background: They actually did it again! Well, not the same fools as last time. The wise had already fled. The other faced the dragons wrath. Queen Dio now enters the skies with a battlecry!


is lead singer Jocke’s alias. Nightfrost is telekinetic and have freezing ice powers. First lock, then a knock from a flying object, meaning you never know from where the next attack will come. The song is in two parts, one from her childhood and one 20 years later.  They say she doesn’t train – unless you count lifting trains with brainpower only!

Nr. 13

Real name: Cara Sinistra bad aura spreader, one of Richard Thermal’s victims.

”They have tried… every kinda team… to make me join. My presence shattered their dreams.”

Background: Cara Sinistra had super powers from the start. Hearing of Ironium she wanted more powers. Ironium enhances any power. And she had a lot of bad luck. Well, she didn’t get bad luck, but all within 10 meters (33 ft) gets a dose of bad luck. Not even villains want to be near her, since it could affect the outcome of a fight.

She is a bit angry that in their (failed!) experiment they didn’t even dare to give her a name. 
Just a number. Number 13. Both villains and heroes are very unwilling to cross her on a mission
– ’cause they know they would get a heap of bad luck! In her belt she wears a huge green jewel. 

Others think it enhances her powers, but it’s just a personal signature. 


Real name: Jenny Marsden  Beautiful freezer and teaser.

”Freeze! the officer said – and I did!”

Background: OMG! That’s the oldest cold villain joke in the world, and they still fall for it! Stunningly beautiful, she can stun and freeze both bodies and minds. Mostly she just goes in, freezes all
and gets what she wants. While they’re frozen they can still hear her teasing them about chasing her. 

”I just freeze any pursuers too!”


Real name: Carol Blacksmith  Founder of Infinity Inc., ex-journalist.

”I didn’t believe in any curses. Now I’ve got them on repeat!”

Background: Carol was a journalist, tracking super powered people all over the world. One day she got a call from Meteor (later Infrared). Meteor/Infrared wanted to get rid of her Moonstone, which she thought contained a curse. She warned Carol, but Carol wanted super powers to beat baddies instead of just watching them.

Her career ended with a crash, so she started Infinity Inc. where both villains and heroes were welcome.
That attracted psychos from both sides of the law. Unaware that she had the powers from start, she used them to beat people on both sides (getting enemies from both!) to get information.

Later she encountered a witch to get rid of her (imagined!) curse. She found out that all the witch said was true. She had only fooled herself. Twice. And heard the witch cackle in her head after. 

red Army (T.N.T)

Real name: Tanja Navratilova Tchechenko  Russian Stormlady.

”You have me outnumbered, outgunned and I… have only me!”

Background: Remember all those one-man-armies, especially Rambo? This is the female version, but instead of hundreds she has millions to fight. 

Tanja is a Russian Officer in the intelligence division, with secret super powers. She knows that Violet is in USA, with plans to steal Ironium and sell it to some suspicious land. This must not happen, or both West and East will suffer! Reluctantly she reveals her powers only to get the russian army after her! Neither heroes nor villains want to hear her warnings about Violet, until one finally believes her:  Bitterwind. 

Later she joined a group of vigilantes, called Infinity Inc., with her, Rash and Sticky  as main operators. 

red pepper

Real name: Marina Bonfire Villains organizer.

Background: Is Turbine’s right hand. Threats, blackmail, and arson can all be added on her list. Murder? I’m not sure of that. She organizes them instead. Turbine almost never has to interfere on Red Pepper’s actions or orders.

If you’re a villain and want to get your name in this City, you’ll have to pass Red Pepper. She knows about any criminal activity, with a vast contact net. Have you met her in person you know you have a great (sinister!) career ahead. If you’ve only met Contact, you have to make yourself known.

Do your job and get well paid. The shadow will never fall on Turbine, because Red Pepper takes any final responsibility. She takes care of victims from Richard Thermal’s mad experiments, helping them getting revenge or other tasks.

Richard Thermal

Mad power creep and genetic scientist.

”Ah, perfection!”

Background: Inspiration was Telios in the MMO game Champions Online.

Richard is the classic mad scientist/ power creep. He deeply wants to be the worst villain in town, only to found himself beaten by two – women! He has plans for a genetic super army, using Ironium to enhance any existing powers. Most of his test subjects volunteered. Some didn’t! More often than not his crazy experiments go very, very wrong.

Send Here In the Trolls, Song - not a character

A catchy song mixing English and Swedish. Every misspelling and CAPS are fully intentional. Best sung with some of your friends, near the bar desk…!

Side Effects

Real name: Diana Belmont  Younger sister to Virus. Super-agile. Most bitter villain.

”Agile as cat, nightsight like bat.” 

Background: Inspiration was Telios in the MMO game Champions Online.

She collects valuable info about targets and weak spots. Then she hands the info to her older sister, who can hack into any security.

The irony is that her sister gets all the fame, despite Diana doing the hard work. She isn’t very fond of her super powers either, when they cinder her body in the middle of the night. And being hit by 15 000 volts from an exploding generator didn’t improve her mood. 

In short, she is the most bitter of all villains – so stand in her way and you’ll regret it long after. She says it’s easier fitting in spandex, than trying to be a normal woman wearing skirts.

Snöstorm (Sno-Storm)

Freezing powers are one of my favorites and you’ll find several characters that have ice powers or more in combination. This song is one of few, written in my native language – Swedish. 

Real name: Gina Svensson-Torque  Swedish freezer.

A talk show host invites her, thinking it would be exciting having a swedish super-hero on her show. 
But it turns out that the ”hero” is actually a villain! She doesn’t like the paper works heroes have to
fill after a fight. Neither does she likes her friends (on  the right side of law) questioned.
So she freezes her host in the chair and says that it will last for three days! 


Real name: Petra Wilkins  Groundlock and summoning insects.

Petra Wilkins is a schizofrenic teen, whose other side is clearly psychopathic. She has powers she barely understands, including powers to lock people on the ground and summon swarms of insects. In the song she is already a member of Infinity Inc. When a businessman loses his way into her territory, she is undecided  if he’s worth killing or could be used as a ”toy”. She locks him onto the ground, giving him some days to ponder on an excuse.

Mr Smith-Jonsson III (the lost  businessman) will soon find all this out, whether he wants it or not.


Real name: Victoria Quick  World’s fastest woman.

”Move, get out of my way!”

Streamline is the world’s fastest woman. She runs like a jetplane on the ground. Sometimes she knocks down a robber with her speed, sometimes enters forbidden places. Not interested in choosing either heroes or villains – so both sides get angry at her. You know they say ”Blink and you’ll miss it?” Well, blink and she’s already two blocks away, or if you feel it’s a strange place for a wind, it might be her running by. 

Thermal Labs

Something bad will happen as soon the name appears in our songs. Be it exploding reactors, experiments gone awry or heroes assaulting it. Home and workplace for Bitterwind. When the heroes destroys Thermal Labs, she seeks out the double-agent Violet for revenge. Red Army is a great assist in tracking Violet.

Thermal Shutdown (Song, not a character)

The song starts with a group of heroes triggering each other to attack Thermal Labs. Violet worked there, and have sold maps of the place to them. Bitterwind is left and senses them beforehand. But there is a problem. In the mess Violet has slipped away. Bitterwind vows to avenge Violet, even if she’ll travel across the Atlantic to Europe. 


Real name: Linda Locker  City’s worst villain.

”I can be your yoga teacher, a bank guard or more.”

You won’t see her. Literally. She is a master of disguises, meaning she could be your neighbor, yoga teacher or someone else.  And you wouldn’t have a clue. The point is that you never know. 

Turbine is the one really running the City, no matter how high Richard Thermal thinks of himself.  She can be a guard at the same bank she has ordered to be robbed. Only once did she appear in person, during the Inertia Mission.

Even then she used a double decoy, meaning all focus was on Broken Link at the moment she passed the customs. Being one of five (six) Magnifiers she uses her powers to blend into the crowd, to hide her extremely well.


Real name: Jessica Hunter  Cousin to Impact / Reflector. Expert in breaking out of prisons and strongholds.

They have called her a lot of names, Turbulence; pyromaniac, psychopath and more. Heroes often get the idea to have her locked in, which doesn’t last for long. When her cousin is harshly interrogated, Jessica herself is locked into a super prison. So she starts with a hairpin, picking up some weapons and disables the force fields. Only to find her cousin had already saved herself. At Suppressor Mansion she could roam free but never leave, because of 100 mutants guarding her. But she has a strong lust for freedom and hundred mutants soon lied bleeding and sore! 


Real name: William Ford  Absorber.

”So you got a plan? I can see the holes in it.”

Turn is the brother of the infamous Impact. But instead of reflecting the foe’s energy, he absorbs it. Actually, he is the 6th Magnifier, but doesn’t want to belong to ”a womens club”. 

”You hit hard? You’ll only hit air. So, you can read minds? Too bad I don’t have a mind to read.
Keep giving me energy. In this game it will always be your turn. I just respond to your next move…!” 

Unfriendly Fire (Miss Match)

Real name: Nicky Match  Accidental arsonist, disaster for her team-mates.

Inspiration came from Scooby-Doo and the character ”Garbage Can”; the latter being from Stephen King’s The Stand.

What if Scooby was a woman, with superpowers?

This walking fire disaster is more deadly for those on her team. Drops fires everywhere. She gets the job done but no one understands how. No, she isn’t mean – she’s the friendliest you have seen. But even if you’re a villain – you’d rather be friends with a hero, than with her!


Real name: Violet. Surname unknown  Double agent with photographic memory.

”How much are you willing to pay?

Violet is the worst kind of type, selling her information to the highest bidder. Don’t trust her for a second. They say she counts her loyalty in dollars, euro or yen. She has a photographic memory, tried the mysterious Ironium on herself and was the main reason Thermal Labs got destroyed. In the mess she slipped out and fled to eastern Europe – as if that would help with a vengeful Bitterwind on her tracks!


Real name: Jennifer Belmont  Older sister to Side Effects. Ninja Hacker.

Ninja hacker.  Well, that’s a description as good as anything. She can pass security systems and locked areas. It takes some time evaluating all info gathered by her sister. Then nothing can stop her from entering. 

One miss in their calculations, that’s all that she needs. For some reason people come to her, even though she never sought any fame. Being the target of her younger sister’s jealousy is harder than her ”work”. 

And her sister very reluctantly admits that they need each other. A classic ”Brawn and Brain” combination.